Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Suicidal Gig

The Suicidal Tendencies gig was a massive success. Here is the order of events:

-pound some beers walk to gig
-find my mate Shane
-pound more beers
-band comes on and starts with You Can't Bring me Down. Crowd goes mad, huge mosh pit forms
-gig so loud can't even distinguish the tunes, loudest gig i have ever been too, lucky I brought my grandpa earplugs, finally learnt something after 33 years
-idiots everywhere pushing, throwing beer around the room etc. I haven't been to a gig like this in 10 years or more, must have forgotten how terribly people behave at these things
-room is about 47 degrees sweat dripping off the ceiling
-stand at back of the room away from the mosh pit aka hepatitis spreading facility
-some idiot blows beer out of his mouth all over the place including on me then throws his beer glass over his shoulder and all over me
-feeling pretty pissed off I tell idiot to get fucked
-idiot tries to spook me out by making crazy faces about 2 inches away from mine
-realise said idiot is truly an idiot
-stare at idiot with earplugs in as he craps on about what a hard-arse he is, I cant hear a word of it so just stare at his mouth flapping around like a fish on the beach, I guess that worked as idiot walks away eventually, narrowly averting full scale fight with idiot thanks to grandpa earplugs, not to self - 99c earplugs best investment ever
-idiot almost wrecks my night but "you can't bring me down"
-hit a few more beers to calm myself down
-gig ends, walk home with mate Shane
-have a brew on the deck, now well and truly arseholed
-go to bed after brushing teeth with moisturiser cream (I thought that shit tasted bad)
-Shane snores the house down, sister and her partner get out of bed at 2m unable to sleep and umable to wake Shane, apparently wake me up after bashing me with pillow for 3 minutes (have no recollection) and they drive home to their house in pyjamas, get pulled over by the cops looking totally suspicious
-wake up with crushing headache, sun blasting into my face on couch, grandpa earplugs still in (hence sleeping through the snoring, earplugs win again) and hit the beach for an anti-hangover swim which almost works.
All in all a pretty good night. Long live the earplugs. I think I still have one of them.

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